UN Refugee Definition Have to Be Re Visited to Include Climate Migrants


index_photoDhaka, 20th October 2013 : Today six right groups civil society networks namely BAPA, BIPNetCCBD, CCDF, CSRL, CLEAN and EquityBD has organized a seminar title “Climate Induced Migrants : Responsibilities in National and International Level” at National Press Club, and they demand that Bangladesh should initiate necessary research and assessment as home work to strengthen the issue in international climate negotiations, they have also demanded which has also echoed by the Minister Dr. Hasan is that UN Refugee definition should be redefined in view of present increasing nature of climate forced migrants world wide especially in Bangladesh.
The seminar was moderated by Rezaul Karim Chowdhury of EquityBD, Minister Dr Hasan Mahmud was present as the chief guest, other speakers of the seminar was Dr Ahasanuddin, CGC, Golam Rabbani BCAS, Qumrul Islam Chowdhury BEJF, Zakia Hoque of Oxfam_CSRL, Motahar Hossain of BCCJF, Mizanur Rahman NCCB, Progoti Chakma of BIPNetCCBD, Badrul Alam of Krishok Federation. Hasan Mehedi of Humanity Watch has presented the key note presentation.
Dr. Hasan Mahumd Minister for Environment and Forest who also leaded Bangladesh delegation in international climate negotiation for last five years has conceded that fact there was set back on climate migrants issue after 2010, which was fist officially accepted in Cancun climate agreement, it has lost momentum while countries reframe the time line in Durban agreement, i.e., new agreement should reach by 2015 and implementation after 2020. He declared that Bangladesh climate change strategic action plan will be revised and money allocation will be there to do research on climate migrants issue. He also said developed countries have to take responsibilities of climate induced migrants and UN refugee definition has to be revisited to accommodate them.
Qumrul Isalm Chowdhury of BEJF one of the long time climate negotiator said that Bangladesh delegation must demand a work program on climate migrants issue in next Poland conference so that there will be some agreement in Paris during 2015. Dr Ahsanuddin, cited a case from New Zeland that how a climate migrants from a pacific small island demand climate migrant rights in that developed countries. He urged Bangladesh must tell developed world that within its limited capacities the country is spending all most $ 1 billion per year for safety net program. Golam Rabbani of BCAS said that without preparing and implementing a national program on climate migrants Bangladesh claim in international level will be weak. Zakia Haque of Oxfam_CSRL mentioned that European Union and Oxfam in fact supporting both Bangladesh government and also civil society to strengthen there voice in international level.

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