Protection Regime for Climate Displacement in National, Regional and International Level Underscored


index4South Asia and Indian Ocean regional conference on Climate Change, Disaster and Human Mobility

Khulna 5th April 2015: South Asia and Indian Ocean regional conference on Climate Change, Disaster and Human Mobility is held during 3 to 5 April 2015 organized by Ministry of Foreign Affairs,

Govt. of Bangladesh in cooperation IoM and Nansen Initiative (Led by Govt. of Switzerland and Norway) in Khulna, Bangladesh.

More than 90 participants representing 10 countries (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Madagascar, Maldives, Mauritius, Nepal, Oman, Sri Lanka, Pakistan (with observer status) along with the representatives from Nansen Initiatives, International organizations, UN Agencies, civil societies and research organizations met in the event in Khulna during the dates where there was a field visit on the issue for all the participants on 4th April.

A draft summary of conclusions has been circulated among the participants. Concluding session was moderated by Mr. Riaz Hamidullah Director General of MOFA where the chief guest was Mr Md Abul Kalam Azad, the Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister and the other speakers were Mr. Md. Shahidul Haque, Foreign Secretary of Bangladesh, Prof Walter Kaelin, Envoy of the Chairmanship of Nansen Initiative, Mr Christian Fotsch, Swiss Ambassador to Bangladesh, and Rezaul Karim Chowdhury of COAST / EquityBD as a civil society representatives.

In the sideline Bangladeshi civil society groups have had a press conference and photo exhibition on 2nd April at Khulna press club.

Category of the reference:

* [A BD Civil Society Call_Climate induced displaced]
* [Agenda Nansen Initiative Regional Consultation in South Asia]
* [Background Paper]
* [Draft Summery of Conclusions_Nansen Initiatives]
Presentation from International delegation:
* [ActionAid migration]
* [Ainun Nishat BRAC Uni_Migration at Khulna]
* [April 2015 ICIMOD Presentation Action Research_SB2]
* [Compendium 2013 flyer]
* [Conclusion Document Nansen Initiative Pacific Consultation FINAL]
* [Conclusions Central American Consultation in English (FINAL)]
* [EN IOM Perspectives on Migration Environment and Climate Change_2Sep2014]
* [EN MECC_IOM_Infosheet_Capacity building]
* [Horn of Africa Outcome Document (Final May 2014)]
* [icddrb_Streatfield_Nansen_03Apr2015]
* [IOM 105th Council – MECC Thematic]
* [IOM ppt 3Apr2015]
* [Justin Ginetti IDMC_IDMC NI South Asia Presentation FINAL]
* [Kelly Flynn_objectives_of_the_consultation]
* [Kelly Flynn_social_media]
* [Key messages Khunla 1]
* [Nansen Initiative SEA Regional Consultation FINAL Agenda]
* [NANSEN Presentation by UNHCR]
* [Nansen-fin-MAX]
* [Nansen-fin-MAX-1]
* [Oxfam_presentation Climate Displacement_Nansen Initiative_Oxfam_Tanvir]
* [presentation for the nansen initiative in Khulna]
* [Questionnaires Results Nansen Initiative Regional Consultation in South Asia]
* [Sabira Coelho IOM ROAP_IOM RO BKK]
* [SEA Regional Consultation FINAL Summary of Conclusions]
* [Walter Kaelin, NI_Concepts and legal framework]
* [Walter Kaelin_Nansen Intro_Khulna_April2015]

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