Prime Minister Honorable Sheikh Hasina Has Conversation with COAST Executive Director


Dhaka, 11th July 2019. During 9th and 10th July 2019 there was Dhaka meeting of Global Commission on Adaptation (GCA), hosted by Government of Bangladesh. The GCA was chair by ex-United Nation Secretary General Mr. Ban Ki Moon, Co-Chaired by World Bank Executive Director Ms. Kristalina Georgieva and Ms Hilda Hiene, President of Marshal Islands. On behalf of the Government of Bangladesh, the meeting was jointly organized by Prime Minister Office, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change. Government has invited six delegates from COAST, an NGO working in coastal areas of Bangladesh, and also led other local NGOs named AVAS of Barishal, AOSED, Jagroto Juba Sangha and Shushilan of Khulna to set up a projection stall to show case the climate adaptation technologies to the visiting delegates.
On 10th July early in the morning prior to the inauguration ceremony Honorable Prime Minister Shiekh Hasina visited the stall and talked with COAST Executive Director Mr. Rezaul Karim Chowdhury. Mr Rezaul Karim Chowdhury has informed her that it is because of her policy in 2010 there are now 18 community radio stations in whole over the country and especially 8 radio stations in coastal area, daily broadcasting 60 hours on climate adaptation information on livelihood. He solicit more policy support as local NGOs working in front line and with coastal community. Prime Minister praised the effort of local NGOs. Ms Rahima Sultana Kazal from AVAS Barishal and Mr Shammem from AOSED Khulna was also present on that occasion.
Ms Rashida Begum COAST team leader from Bhola region has intervened different sessions, especially in the session on 10th July morning presided by Mr Ban Ki Moon. She talk about the plight of char dwellers of Bhola district, need of more participation in delta plan implementation and there are more need of international resources. In the same day afternoon government has presented the Khuruskhul Asrayan Project represented by Md Mahbub Hossain Joint Secretary, the project was meant to rehabilate climate refugees of Kutubdia island who are now living in Kutubdia para of Coxsabzar. Mr Rezaul Karim Chowdhury has completed the presentation with background information on the project and global level policy development in respect of Climate refugees in climate agreements, UN global compacts and in Platfrom on Disaster Disaster, which is state led process in this regard. The session was presided by Md. Abul Kalam Azad, Principle Secretary, PMO, and moderated by Mr Manjurul Hannan Khan Additional Secretary.
It should be noted that COAST and local NGOs believes in positive engagement government, especially high light good work of government to foreigners and in the international forums.
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