SDG Progress in Bangladesh: Competencies or Complacence?


The Sustainable Development Report 2021 ranked Bangladesh as one of the countries that improved most on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Index since 2015 until the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic. According to this report, published recently by the Cambridge University Press, Bangladesh ranked 109th among the 165-country. In South Asia, Bangladesh is above India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, but below Sri Lanka, Nepal, and the Maldives. Along with successes in terms of achieving the SDGs, there are huge problems based on the reports so far published regarding the SDGs. Along with challenges like data gaps, this report will also discuss some other challenges in achieving the SDGs of Bangladesh. These challenges will include: development inequality, climate change, corruption, and illicit fund flows.

This is a draft report prepared by EquityBD for the Social Watch Review. (Full Report

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