Bangladesh’s lead is crucial for LDCs’ position to develop framework for Loss & Damage Finance Facility


Dhaka, 05 December 2022.  In a press conference, Civil society organizations (CSOs) recommended the government lead the LDC’s position to develop the framework on Loss & Damage Financing Facility [LDFF] in climate discourse ahead to CoP 28. Saving the interest of LDCs [Least Developed Countries] and MVCs [Most Vulnerable Countries] are crucial in LDFF where Bangladesh can play an effective role using the leadership experience of CVF [Climate Vulnerable Forum] and V-20 [Vulnerable 20 group] they opined.

The press conference titled “CoP 27 Outcome: Bangladesh’s lead is crucial framing the Loss & Damage Financing Facility” was held at the national press club today where representatives from CSOs participated in CoP 27 global climate conference. Among them Md. Ziaul Hoque Mukta- CSRL (Center for Sustainable Rural Livelihood), Md. Shamsuddoha -CPRD (Centre for Participatory Research & Development) and Mrs. Rabeya Begum (Chair-CANSA-BD). The press conference was moderated by M. Rezaul Karim Chowdhury of COAST Foundation and the Keynote was presented by Aminul Hoque from EquityBD.

Presenting the keynote, Aminul Hoque said that the declaration of LDFF is a significant victory, but there has a limited scope of self-complacence for LDCs until an effective framework is developed followed by pro-poor and justice based. He criticized developed countries and the CoP presidency to deliver a complicated and tricky text on LDFF and not mentioning the name of LDCs and SIDCs in the final declaration of those who have contributed and fought for Loss and financing for a long. He put some demands on the above issues (i) Bangladesh should have a lead role for LDCs positioning in upcoming discourse and negotiation for developing the framework of LDFF, (ii) the Framework of LDFF must be developed followed by historical responsibility of global warming by rich countries that caused of huge loss and damage for LDCs and MVCs, (iii) Bangladesh should pressure developed countries to revise their NDC [National Determined Contribution] targeting 50% emission reduction by 2030 and (iv) LDCs Representation must be included in the ad-hoc committee on NCQG [New Collective & Quantified Goal] process that will serve pro-poor interest on future climate financing.

Shamsuddoha opines that declaration of Loss and Damage Financing is somehow very tricky and linked conditions on mitigation actions. The decision text emphasizes keeping the global average temperature rise below 1.5 degrees Celsius meaning that the countries need to increase their emission reduction targets in the future to get LDFF support. This is very controversial and political divergence may arise between developing countries and LDCs focusing on the issues of definition of vulnerabilities, set priority financing to LDCs, etc. to develop the LDFF. Developed countries can take the opportunities and delay the process with the inclusion of conditionalities. So our government should be cautious and steps accordingly.

Ziaul Hoque Mukta criticizes the failure of CoP 27 to make meaningful outcomes in achieving the 1.5-degree temperature goal. He said the current discourse on reducing global temperature is 40 years behind the science suggested. Achieving a 1.5-degree goal is very important and big polluters did nothing. In the chance of the so-called “Phase down” concept, many European countries have started again their carbon emission and resumed their coal-based power plants. This tends is unaccepted and must be stopped creating pressure from UNFCCC.

Mrs. Rabeya Begum emphasizes more initiatives on climate change issues at the national and international level in the context of obscure solutions to MVC’s issues and collaborative efforts from CSOs and the government can strengthen our voice indeed. Rezaul Karim Chowdhury emphasizes a new negotiation stream of LDC, MVC, and Climate Vulnerable Forum in the next CoPs [Conference of the Parties] to strengthen the unified voice, especially LDFF issues.

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