Our Common Space, our Complementary Roles: Equitable Partnership for Sovereign and Accountable Civil Society Growth


This document states the background, process, principal premise and major expectations of Bangladeshi NGOs from INGOs (International NGO), Donors and UN agencies in view of the World Humanitarian Summit (WHS) and the Grand Bargain (GB)policy outcomes and in view of the discussions on ‘development effectiveness’ (DE). These three global policy discourses give importance to the role of civil society / NGOs and especially the primacy of local civil society in respect of promoting a humanitarian and democratic society.
We are Bangladeshi national and local non-government organization (NNGO/LNGO) or civil societies working with innational boundaries with a home grown or indigenous background. In the whole document where we have used the term NNGOs, it’s also includes the interest of the LNGOs, but in specific issues where it is appropriate we have used the term LNGO. We do both humanitarian and development activities, [Click here for full report]

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