Our Planning Our Sovereignty; A Review of PRSP impact in Bangladesh


booklet-Our_Planning_Our_SovereigntyThis paper has reviewed critically and analyzed the existing situation and economical impact in Bangladesh’s economy due to implantation of donor driven PRSP. We believe that we should have sovereign power to design of our own development policy in considering the reality of country’s problem and perspectives.
In fact, implementation of SAP (structural adjustment program) failed to reach its goal of poverty reduction and created unemployment and economic disparity among the people of different social classes in many Asian and African poor countries, which made IMF bound to rethink on it. Thus, in 2000, International Monetary Fund and World Bank (IMF & WB) came forward with a new development prescription ‘the theory of continued economic growth’ for the poor & developing countries.
Supporting to this theory the WB Group argued that, achieving of continued economic growth is most effectual in poverty reduction for a country rather than adopting integrated development strategies.

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