Role of Government in Climate Negotiation is Contradictory


Dhaka, 19th December 2010. Today in a press conference a right based civil society network EquityBD mentioned that, role of Bangladesh delegation in climate negotiation was contradictory and they have also mentioned that the Cancun agreement will aggravate the climate injustice, especially through carbon trading, they termed in fact it has rooted the very exploitive nature of climate capitalism. The press conference was moderated by Rezaul Karim Chowdhury of EquityBD, other speakers of the press conference was Golam Mortoza, the Editor of Shaptahik, who was also jointly along with EquityBD and CSRL organized photo exhibition and seminar in Cancun during the CoP 16 negotiation, 29th November to 10 December. Mustafa Kamal Akanda of EquityBD also spoken in the press conference.

Speakers mentioned that they have had one photo exhibition stall, one seminar on climate migrant’s rights, two protest rally along with other international civil society organizations, and conducted two press conferences in UNFCCC official premise. Weekly Shaptahiki, SUPRO and CSRL were also participated along with EquityBD in all those events.

Rezaul Karim Chowdhury of EquityBD in his key note presentation said that the Cancun process legitimized the role of World Bank, that the bank will manage the 100 billion Global Green Fund for first three years. Since the beginning in the country and also whole over the world, civil society and NGOs were opposing this, as they mentioned this will strengthen World Bank to continue its conditionality which are anti poor and in favour of market liberalization for multi nationals and developed countries. He also criticized the role of Bangladesh government delegation, prior to Cancun, in a press conference delegation categorically mentioned that they will oppose any World Bank role in climate financing. Government has not opposed it in Cancun in fact. He also mentioned that while in international negotiation Bangladesh government delegation opposing any loan in climate adaptation finance, but in the country government External Resource Division already in process to take loan in this regard. He also mentioned that the Cancun agreement does not heed the IPCC fourth report, which has already mentioned about the dangerous consequences of keeping temperature more than 1.5 Celsius of 1990 level. UNFCCC has also kept the discussion on going on Kyoto protocol, which is the only legally binding commitment, in fact accepting the opposition form Japan and other developed countries. He mentioned that the whole agreement strengthen the Carbon trading by the REDD (Reduction of Enhancing Deforestation and Desertification) program, in fact which will give rights to the developed countries to continue the high level of carbon emissions.

Mr. Golam Mortoza the editor of Shaptahik, criticize the government delegation, which is around 100 in numbers, to him this is wastage of government ex-chequer money. He mentioned that most of the member has little idea of the negotiation process, and has not shown up in crucial events; especially in the office and booth. He also mentioned the conflict of interest in involvement of some of the consultants, who has own NGOs and do consultancy business along with some donor agencies and international financial institutions. He appreciates the role of Minister Dr. Hasan in his presentation and negotiation, the Bangladesh delegation has got leadership role along with Australia to build consensus among the country delegates, in fact, it is after the arrival of Minister the group were activated and well coordinated. Speakers of the press conference, has demanded more coordination initiative especially with civil society from government in future international climate negotiation process, especially toward CoP 17, Durban, South Africa so that Bangladesh will gain global attention and wider sympathy.

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