SAARC 18th Summit Must Promote Connectivity for Human Development, not for Profit Only


index_34Dhaka, 12th Nov 2014. Today People’s SAARC Bangladesh Process Group has organized a seminar title “Alternative People’s Regionalism, SAARC Challenges in Climate Change and Food Secutiry” in Dhaka Reporters Unity. In the seminar civil society rights groups has criticize SAARC inaction in implementation of SAARC climate change Dhaka (2008) and Thimpu (2010) declarions and urged the SAARC 18th Summit which to be held in Kathmondu during 26th and 27th November, should promote connectivity for human development rather then it is only for the profit. The People’s SAARC Bangladesh Process Group represented by Bangladesh Poribesh Andoloan (BAPA), BERDM , Bangladesh Nari Progoti Sangha (BNPS), Equity and Justice Working Group Bangladesh (EquityBD), Institute of Environment and Development (IED), Khani Bangldesh, Nagorik Uddoygue and Sushanoer Jonny Procharavizan (SUPRO) has organized the seminar.
The meeting was chaired by Dr Rashid E Mahbub, Chair Bangldesh People SAARC Bangladesh Process, and moderated by its member Rezaul Karim Chowhudry of EquityBD. Dr. Dipu Moni, ex foreign minister and Present Chairman of Parliamentary Standing Committee on Foreign Ministry has spoken as Chief Guest. Other speakers of the seminar was Sahnaz Sumi of BNPS, Alision Baroi of SUPRO and Gloam Sarwar of Bangladesh Agriculture Farm Labour Federation (BALF). Key note presentations were given by Syed Aminul Haque and Mujibul Haque Munir of EquityBD and Bangladesh Farmers Forum.
Syed Aminul Haque of EquityBD in his key note presentation clarified the concept of alternative regionalism which is to take overarching goal of people welfare, visa free regime and access in employment opportunity and demilitarization to invest in human development across the region. He mentioned that most of the declaration commitement from Dhaka and Thimpu summit on climate change hardly implemented, he urged the SAARC government to form Inter Govemental Expert group on climate change, to establish SAARC climate change fund and also to establish a center for technology development in South Asia. Mujibul Haque Munir in his presentation said that in fact SAARC food bank clauses are ineffective and SAARC seeds bank claues are in favor of private company development in this regard, which should be revisited.
Dr Dipu Moni in her speech agree on the overarching goal for connectivity should be people welfare oriented first, she also express solidarity with the demand of equitable water management, she said that Bangladesh government position in favour region or basin wise water management plan. Dr Mahbub E Rashid Chair of the seminar said regional integrity should have to promoted in fact which will in turn to facilitate basic survival of the regional poor with a secular and pluralist development.

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