Transparency and Social Audit for Climate Action Plan Demanded


Dhaka, 24th July 2011. Today in a seminar title “Climate Victim and Civil Society Opinions from Six Division, Bangladesh Climate Action Plan 2009, Participation and Coordination” civil society organizations has demanded Transparency and Social Audit in implementation of Bangladesh Climate Change Strategic Action Plan (BCCSAP) 2009. The seminar has jointly organized by Campaign for Sustainable Rural Livelihood (CSRL) and Equity and Justice Working Group Bangladesh (EquityBD) the two civil societies and right group network.

The seminar was moderated by Rezaul Karim Chowdhury, Chief Moderator EquityBD; Chief Guest of the seminar was Dr. Hasan Mahmud, State Minister of Forest and Environment; Dr. Quazi Kholiquzzaman, Chairman, Polli Karma Sohayak Foundation (PKSF) speaks as Chief Discussant; two Member of Parliament (MP) Sohrab Ali Sana and Gias Uddin Ahmed, and Shamsuzzaman Dudu, adviser to the opposition party leader; Golam Mortoza, Editor Shaptahik; Rafiqul Islam, Chief Reporter New Nation; has also spoke on the occasion. Among others one climate victim Akther Kamal from Coxsbazar, who lost his land in Kutubdia island due to sea raise, Mehedi Hasan from Khulna a right activist working for the rights for Aila victims, Zakir Hossain from BAPA and Nagork Uddogue, Badrul Alam from Krishok Federation also spoke in the seminar.

Sayed Aminul Haque from EquityBD presented the key note, with five key recommendation, which includes need of high level political coordination, integration in 6th five year plan, institutional reforms of different government agencies for decentralized implementation and a demand for preparation of regional version of climate action plan.

In response to demand from civil society participants Minister Dr. Hasan Mahmud mentioned that he will consider conducting half yearly such a dialogue on implementation of climate action plan and he also said that he will encourage social audit of different project implementation in this regard. He described and reiterated his commitment to go forward along with the participation from opposition party and civil society members for climate negotiation in international level and also for climate project implementation in the country.

Golam Mortoza, the Editor Shaptahik, questioned that some of the civil society or expert who are participating as a part of government negotiation team hardly working for interest of the country. Zakir Hossain of Naorik Uddogue demand full transparency and social audit of climate action plan project implementation. Rafiqul Islam of New Nation has expressed worried that climate fund hardly being properly utilized. Climate victim Akhter Kamal demanded especial attention should be given on climate forced displaced and migrate population in national level. Hasan Mehedi from Khulna raised question whether people from environment ministry has sufficient authority and capacity to coordinate the implementation.

Dr. Quazi Kholikkuzzaman of PKSF has reiterated that, BCCSAP is a living document, this has to be reviewed and revised, and he emphasized to develop people’s capacity through people participation and implementation with decentralized local government.

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