US, EU and Rich Countries, Cut Your Emission First


Dhaka, 22nd November 2012. Today seven civil society climate networks has organized a march from press club to Jatiya Sahid Minar (National Language Movement Monument) on the eve of upcoming Doha Climate Conference to be held in Doha, Qatar during November 26 to December 7 and organized a rally there, they have demanded that UU, EU and Rich Countries to Cut their emission first, they have also demanded reparations as climate debt, not as loan and assistance.

The network are Bangladesh Poribesh Anodolon (BAPA), Bangladesh Indigenous People Network on Climate Change and Bio Diversity (BIPNetCCBD), Climate Change and Development Forum (CCDF), Climate Finance Governance Network (CFGN), Campaign for Sustainable Rural Livelihood (CSRL), Equity and Justice Working Group Bangladesh (EquityBD) and Network on Climate Change Banganldesh (NCCB).

They have also urged Bangladesh government delegation, on four key issues which are (i) Not to compromise on equity issues, especially which has raise by BRICS (Brazil, India, China and South Africa) without justice and to uphold interest of climate vulnerable country’s (CVC) interest, (ii) Inclusion of climate migrants right issues in adaptation, loss and damage discourse, (iii) Putting pressure on US, EU and other rich countries to promise a deep cut in carbon emission and (iv) Ensure full transparency, transparency and direct access of Adivasis and local community in all climate funds both in national and international level.

The march has carried different placards, where they have raised demands on “No to climate profiteering! Stop corporate captures of climate programs”, “No more delay! climate finance now, “ US, EU and Rich Countries, Reparations for Climate Debt Now”, World Bank, Take Out Your Hands from Climate Finance”. “Transparency and Free of Conflict of Interest in Climate Trust Fund in Bangladesh” “Obama, Keep your promise, cut US climate pollution first”.

In Jatiya Sahid Minar the rally was moderated by Rezaul Karim Chowdhury of EquityBD, other speakers of the rally was, Badrul Alam of Bangladesh Krishok Fedearation, Mrinal Tripura of BIPNetCCBD, Dr Sirajul Islam of North South University, Mizanur Rahman Bijoy of NCCB and Dr. Iftekaruzzaman of Transparency International Bangladesh. Dr. Iftekaruzzaman said that World Bank (WB) has forcibly taken the control of Bangladesh Climate Change Resilience Fund, now it is the WB responsibility to ensure full transparency, participation and conflict of interest free management first. He urged government delegation to consider civil society concern on international climate negotiation.

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