South Asia Social Forum to be held in Dhaka 18 to 22nd November


Dhaka, 28th August 2011. Today through a press conference South Asia Social Forum (SASF) formally launched. The press conference held in CIRDAP auditorium at Paltan, where formal statement was read out by Professor Arefin Siddique, Vice Chancellor, Dhaka University. Among other in press conference, were attended by Dr. Quazi Kholiquzzaman, Chairman , PKSF, Justice (Retd) Golam Rabbani, Cultural Activist Nasir Uddin Usuf, Rasheda K Chowdhury, CAMPE, Kushi Kabir, Nijera Kori, Hamida Hossain, ASK, Farah Kabir, Action Aid, and Ziaul Haque Mukta, Oxfam. The press conference was moderated by Hilal Uddin of Angikar Bangladesh, as Coordinator of SASF General Council.

Related Paper [SASF_Press_Release] [SASF Press Brief] [Video]

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